Sir Richard Branson once stated,
“There is nothing more important for a business than hiring the right team.
If you get the perfect mix of people working for your company, you have a far greater chance of success.”

The final stage of the process

The traditional recruitment process is effective in many ways but it doesn’t give you a full 360 degree view of the potential new employee. This is where behavioural profiling or behaviour analysis comes in.

Using a psychologist as the final stage of your interview process, just before offering the job, gives you a clearer understanding of whether your potential new employee has the relevant personality traits that the role requires.


What is behaviour profiling?

As part of your internal interview process you have already determined that the applicant has the right experience and the relevant technical skills for the role.

Behavioural profiling will allow you to fill in the gaps that the standard intervew methods left unanswered.

For example, a CV and HR interview can show that an applicant is suitably skilled, sufficiently experienced and well presented.

Predicting future behaviour

However, it does not show the applicants attitude or ability to deal with confrontation or difficult situations. It doesn’t identify their ability to influence staff, colleagues or clients.

Nor does the standard HR interview give you integrity, work ethic or emotional stability markers

Behavioural analysis provides these insights and helps you make better recruitment decisions, especially for important management and senior leader roles.

What it is not

Behaviour analysis is not a pop psychology or pseudo-science test of determining whether someone has a blue, yellow, red or green personality type.

Behaviour analysis and behaviour profiling are science based fields within psychology.

How it Works

Behaviour analysis is done in two parts. The cognitive assessement and the behavioural interview. Behaviour analysis is suitable for junior manager level and above. It can be done for more junior level staff who are recruited into positions of trust but it is unlikely to benefit your business for junior positions where a standard HR interview will be just as beneficial.

Part 01 - Cognitive Assessment

A 120 – 140 question based psychological assessement to determine a baseline behaviour profile. This will take the applicant about 60 minutes to complete.

Cognitive assessements are completed online.

Part 02 - Behavioural Interview

A one-to-one behavioural interview with a psychologist to predict potential future behaviour patterns and to assess the consistency of the cognitive assessment answers.

Behavioural interviews are conducted primarily in person but can sometimes be done online depending on the applicants location.

Fee: £800.00

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